Sunday, 30 November 2014

Improving An Image On Photoshop...

Here, you can see I have gone through a number of small stages to improve my image and alter it to make it seem more 'perfect'. I did this using Photoshop - a software that i'm not familiar to using. But by playing around and spending time experimenting I have developed new skills which will then help me edit my photos for my magazine. On this photograph of Siobhan I firstly blurred out the background to make her stand out further. I also used the spot healing tool and patch healing tool to create smooth and clear skin and also got rid of any stray hairs that were covering certain parts of her face. After that, I used the lasso tool to select half of her eye and copy and pasted in into a new layer. I then dragged this new eye layer down making her eyes look bigger - giving a 'disney eye' effect to the photo. I then Liquified the photo, this means that I can move any part of the photo using a bloat tool - making parts of the image bigger and also the Warp tool - moving parts of the image around. I used both of these tools to shorten her nose and also enlarge her lips. I also used these tools to make her eyes even bigger. After I had done this, I noticed that her eyes didn't look realistic and you could see a clear line where I had made them bigger. So to fix this, I used my paint brush tool, by copying colours of the eye that were already there I created new lines making the pupils line up and therefor looking more realistic. I also used the clone tool to copy and paste parts of the eye that were more complex. Overall she looks more airbrushed and I have tried to 'perfect' the image. I am happy with the results and doing this has given me more confidence to use photoshop to edit and manipulate images.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Final Front Cover Image...

This is my chosen image for the front cover of my magazine - RUSH. I have chosen it because I really like her pose and her facial expression. She stands out against the pale background with the vivid and bold colours on her jumpsuit and her red lipstick. I plan on editing the image to enhance it and make her stand out further. I also plan on either editing out the background completely on Photoshop or trying to darken it somehow so cover lines will be easier to read and she will also stand out further. I also plan on editing her face - I will get rid of any stray hairs that are on her face and some of her blemishes so it will improve her appearance. I also want my masthead to be partly obscured by her head so I will use Photoshop to do this also.

Successful Possible Images For My Front Cover..

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Photo Shoot Contact Sheet...

Front Cover Flat Plan...

This is my flat plan for my front cover of my magazine.I plan to have my main image bleeding off the page with cover lines surrounding the image. I want my masthead to go behind the head of my model to create depth and make the cover more interesting with layers and text. Above the mast head I will place the date and the issue number. Throughout construction I may change this layout and add or takeaway from the flat plan to develop my magazine design further.

Contents Page Flat Plan...

This is my flat plan for my contents page. I have included 3 columns - two for text and one for images. This splits the page into three sections which guides the reader on what to read first. As we read left to right and top to bottom having the Features on the left hand side of the page means that people may focus on this first, grabbing their attention and making them want to read the articles. Regular articles and notes from the editor are on the right hand side because people usually expect to see these within a magazine so wouldn't necessarily look for them straight away. I have placed one column in the middle of the page for images, these should grab the readers attention drawing them in to read the articles. I may update this throughout construction. 

Double Page Spread Flat Plan...

Here is a flat plan of my DPS. I have decided to put an image bleeding off the left-hand page - we read left to right meaning that the image will be one of the first things we see. Placing a pull quote over the image of my artist means that people will automatically relate the quote to the artist. On the right-hand page I have placed my header towards the top of the page and a strap line fairly close to the middle of the page. This sections it up creating different view points for the page. I am using three columns in which my interview will be placed, I have done this because I think 1/2 columns looks too sparse whereas 4 columns looks too cluttered. There is also a theory that when we look at a magazine page we often focus on something in the middle and work out way around the page in a '6' or a '9' rotation. So, including a pull quote in the middle of the page means that people will be drawn to it which may then lead them on to read the whole interview.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Masthead & Signature Experiments…

 Here I have experimented around with patterns within my masthead and if I'm going to use lower of upper case for my sans-serif font. I have also experimented with colours that I may use for my masthead. 

Here I have used my own handwriting to try and create a signature for my main feature artist - Siob Love. I want it to be iconic so people will easily recognise it and relate it back to Siob Love, as she is a new singer on the scene and needs to gain fans to have a successful career.

Made Using IOS App - Scribble 

Planning Magazine Colour Scheme...

Here I have shown which colours I plan on using throughout my magazine. I aim to use pastel colours - Although they weren't the most popular colour scheme chosen on my questionnaire (3rd most popular, 27.5% of people surveyed decided that they would like to see a pastel colour scheme on a magazine), my magazine will be aimed predominantly towards females, and I feel the pastel colours represent the female gender. I will also be using a monochrome throughout my magazine as 40% of people surveyed chose this as a preferred colour scheme. Throughout construction I shall continue to experiment with colours and decide if I should include the odd bright colour, as 40% of people also said that they would like to see bright and bold colours on magazine. Some brighter and bolder colours I have chosen are shown below...

Made Using IOS App - Scribble

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Magazine Masthead Ideas…

(Hover over the blue buttons to see text)

Mood Board

Here I have created a mood board to express my ideas and thoughts of what I want my magazine to be like. As you can see I like pastel colours combined with portraits. I also like simple but hand writing style fonts as they look quirky and modern which is what I want my magazine to be like.